Thursday, February 24, 2011

9 months (and some change) & a thank you!

Ali from Enjoying Now recently sent me a very thoughtful (and cute) care package, with a sweet note enclosed. She thought I needed some cheering up, so she sent over the beautiful wreath (photo below) and a perfectly pink nail polish to match the bright pink flower on the wreath. She made the wreath, too!

The wreath does match Mirabel's nursery colors, Ali :). It's hanging nicely on a wall, on her side of the room. In a few months it'll be hanging in her own room! So looking forward to moving...We are already looking at homes for rent online! I'm super excited! (I'm also trying to find a cute and fun dress to wear to Jose's graduation! I can't believe he's graduating! I'm so pumped for that.)

But! The weather is improving! Just last week it hit the 50s and we took a much needed 2 hour walk around the campus. Notice the smiles below? I'm not the only one who's missed the sunshine :).

Just a few more months until her 1st birthday! I cannot believe it! Hopefully we'll all be sleeping better by then--at least, that's my goal for now. I think with all the changes going on, Mirabel is having an extra difficult time staying asleep. So she's waking about 4 to 5 times a night! It's rough, but I keep telling myself that she won't be this little for long. Then I'll miss her baby phase! I think she's on the verge of walking (hopefully?!). She is standing for a few seconds on her own. She isn't a fan of crawling, though. She prefers to do a backwards army-type crawl. Then she licks the floor.

We just found out yesterday that she is anemic :(. I felt guilty about it. She still isn't eating solids as much as I'd like her to. But yesterday I was feeling extra determined, after hearing that she'd have to take (which seems to me) a frightening/high dose of iron. I made lentils with some bell peppers, seasoned with a few spices. She seemed to like it. Well, she did gag at first, but she eventually got used to the texture and taste. She finished everything that I served her! This has never happened! I also stocked up on a ton of iron-rich foods at the store. If you all can recommend any tasty baby food blends that are iron rich, I'd love to hear about them!


Anonymous said...

It looks adorable in her room. Glad you liked it! :)

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