If it is a vanishing twin, it will probably be reabsorbed. I looked at 5 week ultrasound images online, and mine looked pretty similar yesterday.
Made me think. I thought it was interesting that my HCG levels rose so rapidly in the beginning; the doctor said they were supposed to have doubled during the given timeframe, and they more than quadrupled. (Is that normal?) I also remember mentioning to my doc that I'd had pain on both sides, instead of just one side--which could've signaled double ovulation. Interesting thought. Sad, yes.
I've thought about what could've been, or what might've happened. But now I'm even more thankful for what I have. I can't imagine having lost this one, too. It's always been one of my biggest fears--miscarriage. Seeing that sac felt like looking at an empty bird's nest. Like a home had been abandoned too soon. But this baby was so giddy and appeared so healthy that if it was a loss, I really can't dwell on it. It's different because I didn't expect two in the beginning. Usually these losses happen because of possible genetic defects. I wonder if God was just sparing it from a life of pain and illness? Not that that should stop a life from blossoming, but this particular life was not meant to continue. All the sickness I've been feeling (and I'm much better now, thankfully) is nothing, really. That's what I think every time I see these ultrasound pics :). I can't believe this baby is only 2 inches long! Love this profile image. I even got to see it suck its thumb. Then it fell asleep. So sweet.
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