These are actually old photos, but at least I'm ahead of the game with a Christmas theme. These past few weeks have been interesting. Mirabel and I took turns getting pretty sick. The last sickness rendered me pretty useless as a mom for about a day. I actually had to wean her during the daytime because of a medicine I had to take. It was rough the first few days, but she's doing great now, and she doesn't even request a nursing session during her naptime! It's great. She's even sleeping better at night, as if she's realizing that she doesn't need to nurse to sleep. Last night was a little different, but I think it's because we had quite a few guests over late into the night for a Thanksgiving party (I believe the sleep issues had to do with over-stimulation).
She's starting to express herself a lot more. During the weaning week, it seemed she was having quite a few of these expressive moments, aka tantrums. I wasn't sure what to do. I felt like I was doing something wrong. After a bit of reading and praying, I realized that it wasn't that big of a deal, and that I just needed to tweak a few things here and there. I've learned not to take her bad days personally. Also, sometimes these meltdowns are just a result of needing to be held more (since I'm not nursing her, and she's always been very attached). So having more cuddle time during the day has helped. Also, she understands a lot more than I used to think. I have conversations with her during the meltdowns. It actually helps. I've even been able to talk her thru the screaming sessions in the cart, at the store. I explain to her that she needs to sit in the cart for awhile, and that she can get out in a few minutes. She understands, I think. But then she starts to scream again after 20 or so minutes of grocery shopping. Then I ask her to please say "out" and if she's able to communicate that to me without screaming, I give her a little break. SO far this is working, it might change today though ;). Just trying to keep up with all the changes. This is the most interesting developmental phase yet. We're still working on sharing. That's a little tougher...
And maybe it wouldn't be so tough if she actually had a sibling. Which brings me to the second major topic of the month: pregnancy. Nope, I am not pregnant. Not even close. I don't even know if anything is working. No sign of fertility; the clock isn't even ticking. This is why I have an appointment with the reproductive endocrinologist scheduled for December 13th. I'm a little excited, but also not looking forward to riding the infertility roller coaster once again. Hoping for a second miracle. Clomid didn't work that first time. I'm not sure what's next. I'm also a bit hesitant to use the stronger stuff, after hearing the correlation between drugs that raise estrogen levels and breast cancer. Adoption is always an option, too. I would like to have one more, though, then adopt. But God's plans might be a bit different, which is why I'm trying to keep him in the picture (instead of trying to plan EVERYTHING).
Oh, and Jose passed the bar! He's already been working for a few months, but it seems that ever since we found out the news he's had to work nearly 12 hours a day and even on weekends! Glad he has a job, though, which is another reason why we feel it's a good time to have another one!