Who's cheap? Me.
Who likes to torture themselves with a sewing machine? Yep, me again.
There are plenty of fabric scraps in this house that need to be used up.
Cute Easter Dresses are just way too over-priced.
And I like projects.
So after all the blood and sweat (no tears, but yes there was blood and sweat--I pricked my finger a few times and it got on the dress. Ew! And I'm wearing sweats and it's about 80 degrees, so yes, there was sweat.)...
Here is today's finished project. AKA Mirabel's Easter dress. Flaws and all, and there are plenty of those. I had to alter a pattern, and I'm not very good at that, hence the mistakes ;).
This is the first dress I've successfully added a zipper to, so I'm at least content with that accomplishment. Woohoo!
I love it!
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