The not-so-good news is that my amniotic fluid levels are measuring "borderline". The doc set up another ultrasound for my actual due date. If the fluid levels have dropped more, then I will need to be induced. Not exactly looking forward to pitocin contractions, but at least that means I will probably be holding Mirabel next week! AHHHH! I am SO SO excited, and that is an understatement. We are so ready for her! All the baby showers are over and we picked up the final necessities yesterday, we're good to go :).
This is the cake from this weekend's shower, the top part was gluten-free :)!
Mother's day was really special this year. I wasn't expecting anything but Jose gave me such a sweet gift. Awhile ago, I mentioned that I really wanted to buy the Beatrix Potter Fairy Tale Collection. I said it just once, pretty briefly, but Jose remembered. Below is what I found on the kitchen table on Mother's Day morning...
Happy Mother's Day to all of the sweet women out there who've either birthed or adopted children, or have loving hearts :).
I'm tempted to say that the next post will be a birth announcement with plenty of pictures, but, gosh, this little girl is not showing any signs of coming out any time soon! :P Come out, Mirabel!
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